
The performance Once Upon a Time in a Big City was premiered on the Minsk Trade Union House stage on 28 May.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
Euroradio spent the night at the National Center of Modern Art, National History Museum and the National Art Museum.
Vitalina Rudzikava is senior deputy head of the Main Ideology, Culture and Youth Affairs Department at Minsk City administration. Photo: Minsk-News
Vitalina Rudzikava is senior deputy head of the Main Ideology, Culture and Youth Affairs Department at Minsk City administration. Photo: Minsk-News
Why do officials decide what we can listen to?
Photo from Karavianski's Facebook page
Photo from Karavianski's Facebook page
"Could Edvard Munch's The Scream have scared someone?" laments the organizer of the exhibition.
AIGEL. Photo:
AIGEL. Photo:
Ideology officials in Minsk have already banned seven concerts over the past six months citing the 'low artistic quality.'
Open sources image
Open sources image
Joe Lynn Turner, 66 suffered myocardial infarction is being treated with all possible means in a Minsk emergency care hospital.
“Pahonya” tapestry. Photo:
“Pahonya” tapestry. Photo:
Today is the last day of the exposition dedicated to 100 years since Belarusian People’s Republic “CODE: 25.03.18” in Minsk.
216 thousand roubles has been raised so far.
Photo: Anton Shapo’s Facebook.
Photo: Anton Shapo’s Facebook.
Once a Deep Purple member Joe Lynn Turner, married to a Belarusian woman, said three years ago he would like to move to Belarus.