
Photo: BELTA
Photo: BELTA
The installations have been prepared for the CIS Council of Heads of State.
Anais Marin. Photo: n-europe.eu
Anais Marin. Photo: n-europe.eu
French political scientist Anais Marin has replaced Miklós Haraszti, a Hungarian author and human rights advocate.
Dzmitry Bobryk: facebook.com
Dzmitry Bobryk: facebook.com
TUT.BY editor Dzmitry Bobryk, a suspect in the BELTA case, says he signed cooperation papers after threats against his family.
Photo: pixabay.com
Photo: pixabay.com
President Lukashenka is invited to attend the festivities in the French capital marking 100 years since the end of World War One.
Photo: president.gov.by
Photo: president.gov.by
Lukashenka and Putin reportedly agree in Sochi Belarus will get a $200 million tranche from the Eurasian stabilization fund.
Photo: 1obl.ru
Photo: 1obl.ru
Officers from Russia, other countries to help with security during the 2019 European Games and the ice hockey world championship.
Photo: sb.by
Photo: sb.by
Belarus appoints new envoy in Riga, needs access to sea while relations with another Baltic neighbor Lithuania sour.
President Aliaksandr Lukashenka is paying a three-day state visit to Uzbekistan to focus on trade and economic cooperation.
Photo: jizn.net.ua
Photo: jizn.net.ua
Foreign relations scholars in Moscow propose a Crimean scenario for Belarus to keep it under Russia's control.