Lidia Yermoshina

A Russian initiative group “For Feminism” is defining laureates of the "Sexist of the Year" award.

Ms. Yarmoshyna made the conclusion in an interview with the ONT TV channel.

The CEC Chairperson has told when the election results will be known and whom the presidential candidates will become in the evening on December 19.

The chairperson of the Central Election Commission Lidziya Yarmoshyna took part in the early voting on December 15.

ERB has found out whether candidates have the right to refuse from the debates and who will create pairs of opponents and has compared debates in Belarus and Po

The head of the Central Election Commission promised during its first meeting dedicated to the presidential elections that commissions wuold be made to allow ca

The Chairperson of the Central Elections Commission confessed that Aliaksandr Lukashenka is interested in having as many good and different competitors at the e

In case of victory, Milinkevich promises $10 billion in investments for the Belarusian economy, reforms for courts, healthcare and utilities, European education

Lidziya Yarmoshyna, chairperson of the Central Election Commission, complains about opposition's low activity in forming electoral commissions and explains why