Belarus Election 2015

Zhanna Ramanouskaya and Iryna Pershyna brought their registration documents to the CEC yesterday.

The decision about his candidature will be made on Monday, July 20.

CEC has received the documents for registration of nine nominating groups.

The politician has promised to present his view to the representatives of the mission during a meeting on July 16 in Minsk.

Nine people are making lists of nominating groups for presidential nomination, but not all of them are ready to take them to the CEC.

It will work in our country on July 15–17.

Fair World party leader Syarhei Kaliakin's nominating group submits documents for registration of its 1513 members.

The registration documents will be filed with the Central Election Commission on July 16.

Applications from citizens for membership in election commissions accepted by executive committees until July 19.