Artsiom Martynovich

Aleh Haltsau has demonstrated an artificial arm that he made for his father.
Euroradio has found the shop where the 17-year-old student bought his chain saw. He was smiling when talking to the seller.
Leanid Zaika has commented on the budget adopted in the first reading.
Pupils went to harvest potatoes voluntarily, the administration of Maladzechna school #11 says.
Officials at the Interior and Border Control Committee maintain they are not against a visa-free entry for selected foreigners.
There were only 3 cars parked near the Ministry of Nature on Car-Free Day. A lot of cars were noticed near other Ministries.
Belarus' Information Ministry confirms dissemination of Russian TV channel Russia 24's programming is illegal in this country.
A committee member has confirmed it at polling station #425.
Education Minister Mikhail Zhuraukou says interest in the Belarusian language is on the rise.