
Artificial intelligence, sample photo

Artificial intelligence, sample photo /

Politeness in ChatGPT requests adds three to seven tokens to processing.
Charging an electric bus

Charging an electric bus /

Раней такі праект рэалізавалі ў Жодзіне і Шклове.
Images from street video cameras 

Images from street video cameras  /

They are combined in a "public safety monitoring system" that allows to count the protesters.
The ranking of the best universities has been updated 

The ranking of the best universities has been updated  /

BSU's drop over the past year was approximately 300 places.
Nobel laureates (above) and their Belarusian relatives - Longin Bohdan Ambros and Gertrude Gurevich

Nobel laureates (above) and their Belarusian relatives - Longin Bohdan Ambros and Gertrude Gurevich / калаж

Gary Ravkan's grandmother was born in Brest.
Viktar Babaryka

Viktar Babaryka

His prison conditions seriously deteriorated in February 2023.
Street camera, sample image 

Street camera, sample image  /

The Belarusian company is creating a centralized tracking and identification system in Venezuela under its brand KIPOD.
Colony No. 9 in Horki

Colony No. 9 in Horki /

Political prisoners are not allowed to do this.
Warsaw, sample photo

Warsaw, sample photo /

Only Ukrainians filed more applications for international protection, with Russians in third place.