Jauhien Valoshyn

Lukashenka now sees Belarus' top sports venue as "a high-class athletics arena".

The abductors have put no demands three days after the video with Belarusian hostage Sviatlana Markiyanovich and her Moldovan colleague was posted.

Katsiaryna Khanyak's relatives were not invited to the sentence pronounce and have no information about the murdered Belarusian's daughter.

While Anhar Kochneva is trying to save Svyatlana Markiyanovich, she shares ideas about how the young women could have been captured in Syria.

Famous Syrian journalist Anhar Kochneva (in the photo) is going to monitor the situation personally.

The captured Belarusian’s relative has told Euroradio about her ill temper and fate.

There are welders and workers in our handball team, models and programmers – in the Muay Thai team.

Euroradio explores if pig owners get compensated for destroyed swine (PHOTO)

Euroradio tries to find out whether the soldier rebellion happened in the military unit # 44540 indeed.