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"For many people, he is no longer a primitive subordinate of Moscow," said Polish Ambassador to PACE Tadeusz Iwinski.

Euroradio talks to military experts whether Belarus army should be reformed at the background of hostilities in Ukraine.

The leader of Belarusian Popular Front reckons a single opposition candidate is not a viable option but there is no alternative to it.

Former Czech foreign minister tells Euroradio about the death penalty, why Kiev should be helped with weapons and who will win at Belarus elections.

Savik Shuster, host of a popular TV show in Kiev talks to Euroradio after interviewing Belarus leader on Crimea, Putin and the future of Ukraine.

Economist Leanid Zaika has told Euroradio about it.

Economist Leanid Zaika says government's decision to allow state enterprises to sell stock at prices lower than prime cost is 'a farewell resolution'.

FEMEN leader Ganna Gutsol explains why they are not in Maidan, how the girls survive in Paris and whether they remember Lukashenka.

Belarus' Prime Minister is a likely scapegoat as the president is told the bad truth about machines and overloaded warehouses, pundits suggest.