Eastern partnership summit in Vilnius

Six draft bills dedicated to this issue were considered on Thursday, none of them was adopted.

Suggestions to exclude the countries that do not show interest in the Eastern Partnership program circulate ahead of the Vilnius summit.

Uladzimir Makei does not exclude the possibility of Belarus joining the EU in the future, he told Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Belarus is interested in the Eastern Partnership summit and its possible positive effect, Belarus foreign minister says.

EU can boost ties with Belarus only after the release and rehabilitation of political prisoners, says Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Kyiv still needs to fulfill one last and most important condition - release Yulia Tymoshenko - to make signing of the Association Agreement happen.

A seminar dedicated to the summit was held in the French capital on November 5.

At the same time, 3 new names will be added on the black list.

The European Union has no reason to lift the existing restrictions.