
Photo: open source
Photo: open source
Stalin's secret police NKVD executed over a hundred Belarusian scholars and cultural figures on the night of October 30, 1937.
Courtesy Photo
Courtesy Photo
Alyaksandr Sapeha says he sent letters asking the Polish Embassy in Bern to cooperate several months ago.
Official newspaper Zvyazda, 1991.
Official newspaper Zvyazda, 1991.
The Supreme Council of Belarus turned the Declaration of State Sovereignty into a constitutional act in 1991.
Photo: rufabula.com
Photo: rufabula.com
The resolution has been adopted at the forum “Bolshevist Terror. Right to Know the Truth”.
Screenshot from the video
Screenshot from the video
Belarus' Foreign Ministry has uploaded a rare footage about the withdrawal of nuclear missiles in 1996.
The historic event was called ‘the second enlargement of the BSSR’.
15 people took part in the action on the threshold of KGB headquarters in Minsk to commemorate victims of the 1937 repressions.
The action was part of pre-election campaigning by the Belarusian Popular Front party.
The Battle of Orsha was fought on September 8, 1514 when GPL army defeated Moscow's troops exceeding three times in numbers.