Investment in Belarus

Чакаецца размяшчэнне двух траншаў еўрааблігацый — 5-гадовых і 10-гадовых.
Archive photo: BELTA
Archive photo: BELTA
The company is planning to build dairy complexes there. The totals number of animals may reach 40 thousands.
Photo: Fotolia
Photo: Fotolia
Chinese businessmen discussed potential investment projects at a meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture on June 7.
Photo: AFP
Photo: AFP
Belarus's Agriculture Minister Leanid Zayats says one of China's key investors wants to spend a lot in local products.
Screenshot from video broadcast
Screenshot from video broadcast
Each region should be getting $100 million of such investments a year.
A government delegation from Belarus led by DPM Vasil Matsyusheuski are on a visit to China's special administrative district.
Lithuanian holding Oil Pack Invest decides to refuse from the plans to build waste processing plant in the Belarusian city.
Belarus' heavy equipment manufacturer Amkodor was part of the delegation during Lukashenka's recent visit to China.
The Danish household goods retailer JUSK is set to enter the Belarusian market.