Lidia Yermoshina

Euroradio has found an election committee member who has been counting votes since 1994 - it's only two years less than the CEC chairperson!

The Central Election Commission chairperson has commented on the progress of the parliamentary election campaign.

According to her, the provocations will be aimed at forcing the authorities to take aggressive measures.

And OSCE mission of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights responsible for election observation will arrive in Belarus on July 16.

People opponent to Yarmoshyna's arrival to Vienna have given her a leaflet and organised a street exposition of political drawings.

Belarusian activists have sent the corresponding inquiry to the Austrian Embassy to Poland.

The CEC chairperson has been invited to the conference of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

The CEC Chairperson has said this on air to "Belarus 1" TV-Channel.

Lidziya Mikhailauna appears in public wearing a bright checkered costume for the fourth time in two years. Probably, this is her favourite.