Oil and Gas

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Belarus should urgently take care of energy independence / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Belarus should urgently take care of energy independence / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Russian energy resources will be one of the determining factors once Lukashenka is out.
Russia's resources will be shrinking, but they will last for a long time / Reuters
Russia's resources will be shrinking, but they will last for a long time / Reuters
Russia's pending on Lukashenka is not much compared to the war.
Russia exports oil to Belarus on friendly terms/collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Russia exports oil to Belarus on friendly terms/collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Classified imports from Russia is growing, while the Navapolack refinery has enough for Belarus, Ukraine and international hubs.
Solvents can be used for illegal fuel production / liga.net​
Solvents can be used for illegal fuel production / liga.net​
Among the main buyers is a company linked with Ukrainian politician Anatoliy Shariy, who is described as pro-Russian.
B.L.B. Baltijas Terminals / nra.lv
B.L.B. Baltijas Terminals / nra.lv
Spoiler alert: there is a businessman... And Minsk's refusal of the Latvian port may hit his business interests.
Businessman Mikalai Varabey, Viktar Sheiman, and Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk / collage by Euroradio​
Businessman Mikalai Varabey, Viktar Sheiman, and Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk / collage by Euroradio​
Surprise: it is business associates of Alyaksandr Lukashenka and "Putin's cousin" Viktor Medvedchuk.
Belarus wants to raise the tariff for the transit of Russian oil by about 25% / Belta
Belarus wants to raise the tariff for the transit of Russian oil by about 25% / Belta
Belarus justifies the tariff increase by revenue shortfall in 2020 due to the reduction of oil pumping from Russia.
Minsk insists there is no debt in payments for Russian gas, just disagreements over the price / BELTA​
Minsk insists there is no debt in payments for Russian gas, just disagreements over the price / BELTA​
Российский посол отреагировал на сообщения телеграм-каналов, которые прогнозировали "санкции" Москвы с 1 июля.
Poland has agreed to supply oil to Belarus / Reuters
Poland has agreed to supply oil to Belarus / Reuters
Poland's Ambassador in Minsk Artur Michalski says Belarus-Poland annual trade exceeds $3 billion.