Opinion polls

The Belarus state TV broadcaster attacks independent pollster IISEPS ahead of parliamentary elections in Belarus.
This is evidenced by a study conducted by Belarusian sociologists at the beginning of 2016.
57.8% of Belarusians think that the annexation of Crimea by Russia is ‘the return of Russian lands and restoration of historical j
The Belarusian Analytical Workshop think-tank presents the latest study results titled "Belarus. Reality. Essence."
They will gauge the readiness of citizens to the revival of the Belarusian language and its promotion as an element of culture.
This is evidenced by results of a survey conducted in Russia by "Levada Center."

BSU Centre for Social and Political Studies director David Rotman says a large-scale opinion survey is to be conducted before the presidential polls.

There can be no winner in such a war, most Russians think.

Kiryl Rudy has announced the results of July survey conducted by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences.