Belarus Election 2015

The wife of the political prisoner, CEC secretary and an election law expert speculate about the future of the Statkevich presidential campaign.

Like Nyaklyayeu, he is urging to nominate political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich for the presidential election.

Two campaigns for observation were launched at once on July 1.

Lidizya Yarmoshyna has shared her expectations with BELTA.

The House of Representatives has approved the date of October 11 with 102 yes's and 2 no's.

The Central Election Committee will start registering initiative groups on Wednesday.

The campaign will kick off on July 23 when signatures can be collected. The registration of candidates is scheduled for September 6-15.

The date was approved by 102 deputies out of 104.

The Central Elections Commission proposed to hold the elections on October 11. Lukashenka also expects the House of Representatives to approve it.