
Deputy Foreign Minister Alena Kupchyna says Belarus is prepared for an open dialogue with OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media.

Zmitser Lukashuk has been awarded.

This holiday has been celebrated since 1958 in accordance with the decision of the International Organization of Journalists.

An opposition activist and a TV crew have been let go after two hours in police custody in Minsk.

The UN Human Rights Council confirms Belarus violated the rights of journalist Maryna Koktysh.

The Belarus president greets participants of the state-sponsored media forum "Partnership In The Name Of The Future: Global Reality" in Minsk.

She was senior deputy Minister of Information before Aleh Pralyaskouski’s dismissal.

Deputy chair of Belarusian Association of Journalists Andrei Bastunets find it hard to say something positive about ex-Minister Aleh Pralyaskouski.

Channel 4 News reporter Jonathan Rugman has not been allowed to cross the Belarusian border.