Protests in Ukraine

Zaporizhzhia residents who received no money for participation in the pro-Yanukovych demonstration organized an action in a train.

Natalia and Tatyana are almost the same age and on a similar social standing. But they have quite the opposite views.

The 41-year-old man was beaten by the riot police and left alone in the street, his friend says.

The Ukraine's president signs the bill passed by the parliament to pardon those involved in Euromaidan protests.

Ukrainian President Victar Yanukovich has signed the law on inadmissibility of prosecution of participants of protest actions in Kiev.

The boy’s father has been travelling from Lvov to Kiev for a month to take part in the street actions of European integration adherents.

Several dozen people protested near one of the offices of the Party of Regions in Kiev on Sunday, December 22.

Minsk's Central District Court judge Victoria Shabunya on December 20 sentenced Maxim Vinyarski to 15 days of administrative detention.

The action of solidarity with Belarus is to begin at 1 p.m. in Maidan of Independence to mark the 3rd anniversary of Square dispersal in Minsk.