Protests in Ukraine

Enhanced traffic has been registered on the international highway leading to the Ukrainian check point Novyye Yarilovichi at the Belarusian border rec

Separatists reinforce the barricades with tire casings and barbed wire near building of Donetsk regional administration.

X-Files star David Duchovny says he is Ukrainian - not Russian - after the events in Ukraine.

The West will have to react if Russia tries to seize new territories in Ukraine, says the Czech president.

Victar Sazonau, Uladzimir Kilmanovich and Raman Yurhel froHrodna are fined over $300 each for posing together in front of a Ukrainian flag.

The heads of the Ukrainian power structures have given a press conference dedicated to February 18-20 events today.

Russian foreign ministry doubts the ability of Ukraine's politicians to draft the Constitution taking all the interests of society into account.

Artist Olga Oleinik fears painting a naked Lukashenka, because Belarus is yet to abolished the death penalty.

Ukraine's Minister of Interior Arsen Avakov posts on Facebook the Right Sector members have surrendered.