News of Vitsebsk and Vitsebsk region

Students from Orsa and Viciebsk are picking gooseberries and red currant for Talacyn canning factory.
Photo: Valery Isayeu’s Facebook
Photo: Valery Isayeu’s Facebook
Football agent Valery Isayeu has uploaded the photo on Facebook.
Stukau was detained for 'public swearing' during a raid in the local office of Free Trade Union.
Tacciana Sevyarynets was awarded a fine of 1150 roubles (50 base amounts) or roughly $550 for taking part in a rally.
Paval Sevyarynets is the fourth opposition figure arrested over the protests against 'social parasites' in the past several days.
The policeman replied the law allowed him to park his vehicle wherever he liked.
Policemen want to hear their explanations.
Storm alert has been announced in the Viciebsk Province after tornado hits one of the districts.
Ales Makayeu and Ales Abramovich walks out free after detention for attending a meeting of solidarity with sole entrepreneurs.