russian world

Cultural resistance will help Belarusians / EPA/YAUHEN YERCHAK
Cultural resistance will help Belarusians / EPA/YAUHEN YERCHAK
Preserving Belarusian language and culture is key, expert says.
Letters to Russian occupants in Ukraine /
Letters to Russian occupants in Ukraine /
"To the front ... To our defender," was written by a child's hand on the envelope.
Common ideology and historical heritage could be a good foundation for an alliance / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Common ideology and historical heritage could be a good foundation for an alliance / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
While Russia is drowning in "Raszism" and European integration is losing effectiveness, Belarusians can find a new alliance
Marcin Mikolajek
Marcin Mikolajek
Propaganda may use Mikalajek longer than Czeczko
State Duma of Russia
State Duma of Russia
The Russian parliament is to review a bill, which considers all Russian-language speakers as Russian compatriots.
RT crew in Minsk during the protests / Euroradio
RT crew in Minsk during the protests / Euroradio
Hybrid fakes, anonymous security officials and "Prigozhin's talking heads" have dominated state TV narratives in Belarus.
Propaganda outlets have "revealed" what lies behind Poland's humanitarian aid for Belarus / BELTA
Propaganda outlets have "revealed" what lies behind Poland's humanitarian aid for Belarus / BELTA
Pro-Russian media in Belarus promote the narrative of Polish threat disguised as humanitarian aid.
Banner against Russian propaganda / Reuters
Banner against Russian propaganda / Reuters
Unscrupulous political technologists rush to the light of the presidential election.
Polish nationalists demonstrate in Warsaw / Reuters
Polish nationalists demonstrate in Warsaw / Reuters
Euroradio dissects the latest portion of pro-Russian propaganda in the Belarusian online space.