russian world

Protests against Russian propaganda in Ukraine /
Protests against Russian propaganda in Ukraine /
Opposition on NATO's payroll to infect Belarusians with COVID19, Babaryka at West's service, and other Russian propaganda hits.
Pathetic Fake / Unique Original​
Pathetic Fake / Unique Original​
Russia will organize events in Belarus "to resist the falsification of history" and "to promote spiritual community."
Andrei Shyshkin /
Andrei Shyshkin /
His account in social media is full of hatred against Belarusians and appeals for murder.
"Immortal Regiment” in Minsk in 2018 / Euroradio
"Immortal Regiment” in Minsk in 2018 / Euroradio
The action has been allowed by Minsk City Executive Committee, the organizers say.
Participants of the motorcycle race/ Facebook of Russian General Consulate in Brest
Participants of the motorcycle race/ Facebook of Russian General Consulate in Brest
The Kremlin-backed bikers' group Night Wolves reached Brest at the border with Poland during their annual Victory Ride.
Photo: TASS
Photo: TASS
MP Pyotr Tolstoi has not explained what he means by feeding Belarus and other ex-Sovet republics with 'Russian world.'
Photo: Russia's Federal Service of Corrections
Photo: Russia's Federal Service of Corrections
The Russian Federal Service of Corrections reveals a photo of Oleg Sentsov in a hospital but the date of the image is unknown.
Foreign relations scholars in Moscow propose a Crimean scenario for Belarus to keep it under Russia's control.
The Belarus parliament replies with 'no' to a collective public appeal seeking to outlaw the St George ribbon.