A festive concert will be given by Zmitser Vaitsyushkevich and WZ-Orkiestra today, on March 8.
Andrei Sannikau celebrates birthday in prison
09:34 08.03.2011
Andrei Sannikau, former presidential candidate and leader of the “European Belarus” campaign, celebrates his birthday on March 8. He has turned 57.Syaredzich promises to sue Kastusyou for libel
09:22 08.03.2011
Yazep Zyaredzich, editor-in-chief of “Narodnaya Volya”, refutes that he demanded money for articles from former presidential candidate of the BPF Party RyhorBrest social-democrats distributed March 8 greetings today
08:49 08.03.2011
Members of the Belarusian Social-Democratic Party (Assembly) have distributed greeting cards in Brest streets today.