Hrodna inhabitant Yuras recalls the events that followed the election-2006 and compared them with the current protests.
Brest police confiscate 600 liters of domestic alcohol
15:08 20.03.2012
A pensioner produced the cocktail by mixing spirits with domestic wine.Litesound to give promo concerts in … Brest, Kobryn and Navapolatsk!
13:51 20.03.2012
However, the Belarusian participant of “Eurovision-2012” is not planning any foreign tours. The band says that they are not the key to success at “Eurovision”.Young Front to appear near Academy of Sciences but not in Bangalore Square
13:31 20.03.2012
Nasta Palazhanka, deputy chairperson of the organization registered in the Czech Republic, has informed Euroradio about it.Information about political prisoners to be systematized
12:18 20.03.2012
The group “For Freedom” has created a special information centre.Syarhei Kavalenka asks brother: “Where is opposition?”
11:58 20.03.2012
Vital Kavalenka has met the CCP BPF activist in prison hospital in Valadarski Street.Hrodna police warn Freedom Day action organizers
11:33 20.03.2012
A district police officer has managed to reach head of the city affiliate of BPF Party Vadzim Saranchukou quicker than the official reply of the City ExecutiveLatvia discusses compensation for EU sanctions against Belarus
11:26 20.03.2012
Alfred Cepanis, head of the Association for support of Latvia-Belarus economic ties, was the first person to have mentioned it.