You can follow the rates of the leading currencies in Belarusian banks at our web-site since today.
Victar Ivashkevich fined for Br 500 thousand
14:42 22.05.2012
The Soviet district court of Minsk has taken such decision on the claim of employee of Mazyr OPP Maryna Tsyblienka.Dollar goes down by Br 90
13:26 22.05.2012
These are the results of todays' tradings at the Belarusian currency exchange stock."People's feelings connect countries stronger than economy"
12:37 22.05.2012
Chairwoman of the Belarusian Association of Friendship between Countries disagrees that there can be no inter-state friendship."Young Front" activist Mikalaj Dzemidzenka in hospital under police guard
09:35 22.05.2012
The youngster's health condition got worse. He was delivered to the 9th city hospital right from the Akrestsina street detention center.Sasha Varlamau's case prolonged once again - till August 20
09:14 22.05.2012
Therefore, investigation of the famous designer's case has been prolonged for the fourth time already.Dancers compete in Minsk (VIDEO)
05:35 22.05.2012
The open championship on ball dancing "World Open Minsk 2012" took place in the Belarusian capital.