According to students, a stranger who introduces himself as a member of the election committee keeps threatening them with accommodation and university problems
Members of the Seimas, Lithuanian and Belarusian experts discussed the situation in Belarus before the presidential election during a special discussion organiz
The German Federal Minister explained why he had met the opposition, commented on the drawbacks of the presidential election campaign and expressed his opinion
A European Commission official has informed ERB that the Joint Interim Plan, setting priorities to conduct reforms in the field of politics, democracy, the lega
The UN special rapporteur on human rights in Belarus, ex-President of the PA OSCE Adrian Severin has told in the exclusive interview to Euroradio, why the Euron
The Chairman of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with Belarus has told Euroradio why the EU have little knowledge about this year's presidential
In Ukraine it is necessary to collect 300 thousand US dollars instead of signatures, in Poland one should collect the same 100 thousand signatures as in Belarus