European Commission suggests that Belarus should make its economy stronger

Has the European Commission already prepared the Joint Interim Plan (JIP) for Belarus?

The European Commission is finishing the work on it. The JIP will be presented to the EU member states afterwards and they will discuss its contents and make remarks. If they agree on all the issues, we will be able to proceed to negotiations with Belarus. It implies negotiations with the authorities and with the civil community. We think it is important that the Belarusian society should be advised on the programme of reforms on the whole.

When exactly is the JIP going to be presented to the EU members states?

It is expected to happen very soon, one of these days.

What spheres does the JIP embrace?

In fact, the reforms are universal: reforms in the sphere of politics, democracy and human rights and in the legal system. They also concern the economic sphere including the energy sector with the purpose of making the Belarusian economy more competitive.

Does the document bring the Belarusian authorities to certain preliminary terms?

We see no reason to introduce any preliminary terms in order to carry out the reforms. We think it is essential to launch the reforms as soon as possible. It is time we discussed the way they should be carried out and the way we can help Belarus implement them with the Belarusian authorities.

The JIP is an instrument needed to carry out the reforms and to denote the way they should be implemented. The main point of the document is the reforms expected in Belarus and our support of reforms in all spheres. It is not only aimed at helping Belarus to establish closer relations with us in the value sphere - it is also meant to enhance people-to-people contacts and to create a stronger economy.

The document “What the EU could bring to Belarus” released by the Commission in 2006 offered our country an opportunity to enter into a full partnership as part of the European Neighbourhood Policy if the Belarusian government could make progress according to 12 preliminary terms. Does the JIP use the same approach? On what basis will the Council of the EU assess the progress made by Belarus next October – will it be based on the five major terms?

The JIP is more extensive. It is not only a plan of democratisation reforms - it is a list of reforms needed to make Belarus a modern state with a strong economy. The progress in all spheres including the ones indicated in the mentioned five terms will be analysed.

What will the closest possible date of signing of a Partnership and Co-operation Agreement be if Belarus makes considerable progress in these spheres?

This is a different process. According to the conclusion of the Council of the EU made on October 25, 2010, the Council will be ready to enhance cooperation with Belarus if progress is made in the indicated fields. There is no schedule.

The Council of the EU has decided to extend the sanctions imposed on Belarusian officials and to extend their suspension at the same time for the second year on end. Doesn’t it seem strange?

The decision of the Council of the EU is a balanced approach. The sanctions are extended and partially suspended at the same time. It indicates that the European Union is disappointed about the scope of the progress. The position of the EU expressed in the conclusion of the Council of the EU is clear: Belarus is expected to make better progress.

A moratorium on travel restrictions in the European Union has been imposed. However, do officials’ assets and property remain frozen in Europe?

The freezing of assets has been kept in force.

When will the competent EU Embassy to Belarus start functioning?

It is expected to happen in January 2011. The status of a regional representative office will be changed to a competent representative office of the European Union. The staff will be increased and the areas of responsibility will be extended.