Belarusian singer Palina releases new album

Palina / /
Belarusian singer Palina has released a new album "Neither shore nor bottom". It contains 10 songs. Two of them are recorded in Belarusian language. They are the song "Mafia" - a guitar-electronic tune based on a poem by Belarusian poet Viktar Zhybulia - and "Salomki", which is a combination of electronics and folk.
Palina says the album contains songs about different emotions and periods of her life.
"It's about languid teenage dramas and longing for them. It is about meaninglessness, about oneself, about dessert, about straws. It's about little things that suddenly help you hang on and not go crazy," she says. It turned out to be "a lot of guitars, trumpets, sirens and affirmative statements about love. The main message of the new record is as follows: it is very difficult to live, of course, but she is grateful for what she has.
The album is available on digital platforms -
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