Jauhien Valoshyn

The robbers beat the policeman in Belagroprombank, took away his weapon and tied up the teller, some sources report.

At the beginning of the Address to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly Lukashenka emphasized the unprecedented success of the Belarusian state.

Six fire engines were used to put out the fire. A fire-cock was there too.

Alena Makouskaya has calmed her parents by phone. She heard the blast sound on the way to her friend’s car. (Photo, video)

Uladzimir Lazouski's neighbours tell the details of his arrest, share their versions.

Philippe Gangloff was with French Greco-Roman wrestling team in Staiki but felt bad aboard his return flight to Paris.

The system was supposed to be introduced in Belarus on January 1 but has been postponed till the end of the year

Euroradio asks Belarus economy minister about the causes of economic collapse in 2011

Euroradio talks to footballer's wife, his agent and the Spanish club