Jauhien Valoshyn

Relatives of Zhenya Shramko are convinced that neither the coaches, nor the doctors of the national team took necessary measures to render him medical aid.

Belarus' National Anti-Doping Agency chief Aliaksandr Vankhadla tells Euroradio if athletes are to be jailed for steroids cheats

Liudmila Vauchok was denied access to an entertainment center in Minsk over "emergency situation" concerns

Zhenya Shramko wanted to join Belarus national team and to take part in the European championship. But he has died of a cardiac arrest.

There has been information in internet forums that Neonazi Tesak and Malyuta were released under a non-leave obligation.This appeared to be a rumour.

Policemen do not always stand near metro trunstiles.

The reasons for failure at the Olympic qualification round have been called lack of discipline, the players' commercionalism and force-majeure.

He underwent his first operation on the eyes a week before the detention.

Investigators took into account the youngster's sincere repentance and positive characteristics. Ticket collector Lyudmila Shakhlina appealed to close the case.