Jauhien Valoshyn

Alexandra Belarus from Anton Strout's latest novel, saves New York. Find out if the successful US author is somehow connected to our land in Euroradio interview

It is yet to be known if the bid-winning company is eventually to deal with the reconstruction of Belarus' main football arena

It takes much money for veterinary services if you want to save injured animals. As for giving away a crippled dog - they can offer only death.

Lyudmila Shahlina has changed her job after the incident in Navapolatsk. Her offender is not going to apologise.

Euroradio has found some "secret" design projects that have reached the final selection tour. The winner will be chosen within two weeks.

Sports medics are looking for prednisolone, cortisone and other glucocorticoids suppliers. But the substances are forbidden in sport.

Meanwhile, Presidents of Lithuania and Latvia fly together with ordinary passengers, and the Polish leader uses a commercial company's jet.

The Belarusian athlete, born in Cameroon, studies in the BSU, listens to "Ruki Vverkh" and started his career in "Zmena" Minsk.

Euroradio spoke with the only witess of the incident in Mashynistau St., not connected with police. According to wife, neighbour saw 3 gunshot wounds on him.