Jauhien Valoshyn

Boxer Alyaksandr Ustsinau promoted by brothers Klichko, is returning to the top of the world rankings.

Andrei Navitski’s relatives have confirmed the information to Euroradio. The officer spent 9 days in intensive care but doctors could not save him.

Svyatlana Markiyanovich has already been interrogated by the police on Monday.

She and her Moldavian friend climbed down from the window while the terrorists were asleep. Then a local imam hid them in a mosque.

Doctors are denying that Yauhen Shramko complained, yet he did mention health issues before his death, according to the mother.

Belarus exits the European championships after Tuesday defeat by Turkey.

Belarus volleyball women's team records the best performance over 15 years by advancing to the European championship 1/8 finals.

The incident occurred in Babruiskaya Street near Myasnikou Square on Monday.

Neither the terrorists nor Belarusian diplomats are contacting Svyatlana Markiyanovich’s relatives.