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Aleksandr Turchin

Aleksandr Turchin

Raman Halouchanka, who had led the government since june 2020, has been given a new job.
World Anti-Doping Agency WADA, sample photo

World Anti-Doping Agency WADA, sample photo / Reuters

Last year, the country had to pay WADA 46,032 dollars, this year - 49,340 dollars.
Belarusians are getting more loans /

Belarusians are getting more loans / /

Compared with last year, Belarusians owe banks 19% more.
Siarhey Kastsiuchenka /
Siarhey Kastsiuchenka /
In August 2022, the banker was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison.
Instead of making real changes to trade with the West, Lukashenka would rather emphasize the danger from Russia / AP
Instead of making real changes to trade with the West, Lukashenka would rather emphasize the danger from Russia / AP
The 'sanctions making us stronger' talk is going away, but authorities are not ready for real changes.
Siarhey Kastsiuchenka /
Siarhey Kastsiuchenka /
The founder of Belarus' biggest private Priorbank is jailed on tax evasion charges but political factors should not be ruled out.
EPAM / MC today
EPAM / MC today
The company was able to get its money only a month later.
Ukrainian MPs with Russia links Taras Kozak and Viktor Medvedchuk / collage by Euroradio​
Ukrainian MPs with Russia links Taras Kozak and Viktor Medvedchuk / collage by Euroradio​
Ukrainian MPs, suspected of treason, have possibly withdran funds from a bank in Belarus.
A bank in Belarus has closed Andrei Mukovizchyk's account / Euroradio
A bank in Belarus has closed Andrei Mukovizchyk's account / Euroradio
Andrei Mukovozchyk was put on the EU 'black list' in June 2021.