Belarus Internet

Who is Mellstroy?

Who is Mellstroy? / @rubanau_collage

A Belarusian blogger with a scandalous reputation, famous even with Western audiences.
Belarusians and the Internet / pixabay

Belarusians and the Internet / pixabay / pixabay

Less than the Russians, but more than the Germans.
Как удалить фото из гугл-облака и айклауд
Simple instructions on how to delete photos from Google and Apple clouds / Collage Euroradio
This way security forces will not find your photos from the protests and others.
Today it is possible to bypass almost any restrictions on the Internet / Yevgeny Tonkonogy​
Today it is possible to bypass almost any restrictions on the Internet / Yevgeny Tonkonogy​
Euroradio talks to Psiphon president Michael Hull on how his company helps to circumvent Internet blocking in Belarus.
More than 2 million people use telegram in Belarus / Euroradio​
More than 2 million people use telegram in Belarus / Euroradio​
The messenger is used by 2.4 million Belarusians. The main activity is in the chats of the "new districts".
Belarusian Information Minister Ihar Lutski / BELTA
Belarusian Information Minister Ihar Lutski / BELTA
The newly appointed information minister mulls over 'adjustments in the operation of media' in Belarus.
Photo of an unknown young woman already used by many crooks /
Photo of an unknown young woman already used by many crooks /
Bots are actively slipping a political agenda to us and our friends in social networks.
Belarus' CEC head says the most active voters consume traditional media, while online generation stays away from elections.
The document was discussed by the Security Council and approved by the head of state on 12 March.