Belarusian language

Russian-language program of the Kupala Theater

Russian-language program of the Kupala Theater /

A Russian-language program was printed in the theater, although all performances are in Belarusian.
"No, we don't speak Irish. But if you call an Irishman an Englishman, believe me, you'll get a very quick answer" / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
"No, we don't speak Irish. But if you call an Irishman an Englishman, believe me, you'll get a very quick answer" / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Irish is not widely spoken but still loved in Ireland.
Vera Paliakova / BELTA
Vera Paliakova / BELTA
The premiere will take place on June 22.
Young Spectators Theater in Minsk /
Young Spectators Theater in Minsk /
Vera Palyakova-Makey became the theater director.
Alyaksandr Lukashenka /
Alyaksandr Lukashenka /
But he stressed that there would be no "imposition".
English language version of the site/​
English language version of the site/​
The information is presented in English, Russian, and Latvian.
Mikalai Yanush /
Mikalai Yanush /
The Isloch striker Mikalai Yanush recently spoke about the situation with the Belarusian language.
Belarusian Information Minister Aliaksandr Kaliukevich / CTV
Belarusian Information Minister Aliaksandr Kaliukevich / CTV
Nearly 10 000 books and brochures were published in Belarus in 2019.
“We are replacing the old bus stops with new ones. What’s the problem? Can’t you read in Russian?”