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"Young patriots" 

"Young patriots"  /

The boys and girls were dressed in military uniforms.
A baby, sample photo / Unsplash

A baby, sample photo / Unsplash / Unsplash

In 2023, only about 65 thousand children were born in the country.
Italy / pixabay

Italy / pixabay / pixabay

Children / Sample image /
Children / Sample image /
An analyst from the National Anti-Crisis Management body makes a prediction.
Last year, 438 children were adopted or fostered - 15% more than in 2021
Last year, 438 children were adopted or fostered - 15% more than in 2021
Euroradio obtained statistics from reliable sources.
The 14-month-old son of Dzmitry Plaks and Liza Aleksandrova-Zorina / archive
The 14-month-old son of Dzmitry Plaks and Liza Aleksandrova-Zorina / archive
The youngest son of Dzmitry Plaks is 14 months old. The elder was killed in 2019.
The state is obliged to protect children, but violates their rights and terrorizes families / collage by Ulad Rubanau
The state is obliged to protect children, but violates their rights and terrorizes families / collage by Ulad Rubanau
In Belarus, the children of activists are increasingly afraid of the police.
A class in the park / photo from archive
A class in the park / photo from archive
"To protect yourself, in some situations you have to be weird, noisy, uncultured. It can be difficult for children.
Kindergartens remain open in Belarus / Reuters
Kindergartens remain open in Belarus / Reuters
Who will look after a child if the mother is quarantined with COVID19? Officials have conflicting opinions.