Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga

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Belarusian diplomat also said that the Minsk Agreement is "the only effective mechanism for the resolution of the situation" in eastern Ukraine.

He will also discuss the relations with the EU and USA.

The EaP Foreign Ministers will gather for an unofficial meeting in Minsk and discuss the results of the summit in Riga at the end of June.

The President of the European Commission came to the conclusion after the recent summit in Riga, interfax.by reports.

But on May 22 Belarus and Latvia signed an agreement further simplifying the procedures for residents of border areas of the two countries.

It was the statement about annexation of Crimea that Belarus delegation found unacceptable.

Belarus joined it with some reservations.

The document is still being discussed but ‘the main prospect is already clear’, the MEP said.

President for the European People's Party Joseph Daul has met the representatives of Belarusian opposition structures.