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"The time when we went to the Akropolis is remembered as the Paleozoic" / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio

"The time when we went to the Akropolis is remembered as the Paleozoic" / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio / калаж Улада Рубанава, Еўрарадыё

With second-hand shops under EU sanctions, Belarusians ask questions about broader issues.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and children from Mangyeongdae Revolutionary School / Korean Central Telegraphic Agency / Reuters  

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and children from Mangyeongdae Revolutionary School / Korean Central Telegraphic Agency / Reuters    
Next year they want to add state symbols to the clothes of schoolchildren.
Here's what designers have for us this year
The photo session participants tried being humorous.
Designers from Belarus and abroad will show Spring-Summer 2017 collections during the traditional week-long fashion show in Minsk.
They would probably manage to show seven costumes if the assembly took a week.
The BRSM embroidery shirt resembles Ukrainian shirts at first glance.
Belarusian audience will see a collection of clothes and accessories for spring-summer 2016