figure of the day

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Last year, 438 children were adopted or fostered - 15% more than in 2021
Last year, 438 children were adopted or fostered - 15% more than in 2021
Euroradio obtained statistics from reliable sources.
It was 28.9 roubles or 15% of the living wage in September.
It was 28.9 roubles or 15% of the living wage in September.
The official unemployment rate totalled 0.4% in Belarus.
The number of viwers at the Champions League match is equal to 6 games of Naftan vs Neman with only 300 people attending.

Only 79 900 people went to the CIS.

If this trend continues, the yearly inflation could reach 30%.

"The number reflects the real language situation in typography,” Minister of Information Liliya Ananich thinks.

Banks kept the fee that individuals paid for the purchase of dollars and euros in exchange offices as compensation.

During this time he was twice transferred from one prison to another.

The names of the sites under restriction were not disclosed.