Football in Belarus

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Абдукодир Хусанов

Energetic-BGU should receive at least 269 thousand euros for the transfer of Khusanov to Manchester City from Lance  /

Energetic-BGU should receive at least 269 thousand euros for the transfer of Khusanov to Manchester City from Lance
Trafim Melnichenka 

Trafim Melnichenka  / IMAGO

18-year-old forward Trafim Melnichenka has signed a three-year contract with the Portuguese football club.
Новый футбольный национальный стадион в Минске

The stadium on Vaneyeva Street will be opened by the anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War /

The stadium on Vaneyeva Street will be opened by the anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War
Aliaksei Mayorau 

Aliaksei Mayorau  / калаж Улада Рубанава, Еўрарадыё

The young football player's mother shared her son's long-held desire.
Swamp football in Belarus

Swamp football in Belarus / Мінэнерга

Take a look at what swamp football is about in Belarus.
Aleh Kuzmianok /

Aleh Kuzmianok / /

Kuzmianok is currently employed in Malaysia.
Torpedo-BelAZ footballers collect stones in a collective farm / FC Torpedo-BelAZ 

Torpedo-BelAZ footballers collect stones in a collective farm / FC Torpedo-BelAZ 

It was their modest contribution to the country's food security, the local press wrote.
Patricia Lamanna in Belarus /
Patricia Lamanna in Belarus /
"I lost 12 kg in three months," said Canadian about the conditions in Belarus.
Футболистка Патриция Ламанна (Patricia Mary Lamanna)

Patricia Lamanna /

Patricia Lamanna stayed in our country for three months.