
No agreement was reached with the copyright holders of JK Rowling's Harry Potter book series.

No agreement was reached with the copyright holders of JK Rowling's Harry Potter book series. / Reuters

Reaching an agreement with the rights holders was impossible because Belarus is under Western sanctions.
Natalia Litvinova

Natalia Litvinova /

The jury called it a “luminous, radioactive novel.”
Andrei Yanushkevich

Andrei Yanushkevich

For exceptional courage in defending the freedom of book publishing.
Цензура в Беларуси

Censorship / Euroradio / Еўрарадыё

Allegedly, this will only benefit the readers.
Sviatlana Kurs (Eva Viežnaviec) / Photo from her Facebook page

Sviatlana Kurs (Eva Viežnaviec) / Photo from her Facebook page

The award is given for contemporary foreign prose translated into German for the first time.
Alhierd Bacharevič and his "extremist" book /

Alhierd Bacharevič and his "extremist" book /

The author is happy with his book.
Publisher Andrei Yanushkevich / Photo by Yulia Tsimafeyeva
Publisher Andrei Yanushkevich / Photo by Yulia Tsimafeyeva
"It is necessary not only not to stop, but even not to slow down."
Viktar Martsinovich's novel "Revolution" /
Viktar Martsinovich's novel "Revolution" /
The news came from the publisher.
First copies of Kathleen Kent's book /
First copies of Kathleen Kent's book /
An undercover CIA agent arrives in Minsk in 1990 to stop the flow of nuclear weapons from the crumbling Soviet Union but...