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Vasil Bykau 

Vasil Bykau  /

The book will include two stories.
Sasha Filipenko 

Sasha Filipenko  / Euroradio

Sviatlana Kurs

Sviatlana Kurs

The translators and the author will receive a reward of SEK 150,000 divided between them.
Fragments of Francysk Skaryna's Bible 

Fragments of Francysk Skaryna's Bible  /

The discovered sheets were inside the cover of an unknown book.
No agreement was reached with the copyright holders of JK Rowling's Harry Potter book series.

No agreement was reached with the copyright holders of JK Rowling's Harry Potter book series. / Reuters

Reaching an agreement with the rights holders was impossible because Belarus is under Western sanctions.
Natalia Litvinova

Natalia Litvinova /

The jury called it a “luminous, radioactive novel.”
Andrei Yanushkevich

Andrei Yanushkevich

For exceptional courage in defending the freedom of book publishing.
Цензура в Беларуси

Censorship / Euroradio / Еўрарадыё

Allegedly, this will only benefit the readers.
Sviatlana Kurs (Eva Viežnaviec) / Photo from her Facebook page

Sviatlana Kurs (Eva Viežnaviec) / Photo from her Facebook page

The award is given for contemporary foreign prose translated into German for the first time.