Unknown fragments of Skaryna's Bible found in Czech Republic

Fragments of Francysk Skaryna's Bible 

Fragments of Francysk Skaryna's Bible  / facebook.com

In the Czech Republic, unknown fragments of Francysk Skaryna's Bible were found in Prague. These pages were in the cover of an unknown book, writes Belarusian researcher Siarhey Knyrevich. He notes that the mentioned fragments of the Prague Book of Genesis, published by Skaryna, "have not been described anywhere in Skorinology literature".

Knyrevich will search for the book in which the Bible fragments were found and find out the identity of its owner or the master who made the cover.

У Чэхіі знайшлі невядомыя фрагменты Бібліі Скарыны
У Чэхіі знайшлі невядомыя фрагменты Бібліі Скарыны
У Чэхіі знайшлі невядомыя фрагменты Бібліі Скарыны

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