Conversation with the wife of Vasil Verameichyk
Vasil Verameichyk
"A week ago he sent his last message. It consisted of one word 'deportation'," said his wife Yauheniya, who lives in Lithuania, about the last contact with Vasil Verameichyk.
On November 20, it became known that the former fighter of the Kalinouski regiment Vasil Verameichyk was extradited to Belarus, where he could face the death penalty. He was arrested on November 13 in Hanoi, probably because of provocation - a fight.
Euroradio talked to Yauheniya Verameichyk about the events leading up to the arrest and about Vasil himself.
"He was proud of the fact that he was a former soldier who took the side of the people"
"When the story with Lithuania and Vasil's recognition as a "threat to national security" was developing, did you consider options for help from the other side? Did you seek help to appeal the decision?"
"We did not appeal anything at that time. Vasya learned about Lithuania's refusal in Georgia. He flew there on personal business. It was May 2023. And there he received an e-mail. I don't remember the dates - whether he could return or not, but it's not important.
What is important is that Vasya would not do it. He was very offended by it, and he was offended by Lithuania. He was so angry because he thought he was a hero.
He was proud that he was a former soldier who took the side of the people. He was proud that he took part in real battles in Ukraine and did not sit back in the headquarters. In short, it's not in Vasya's nature to complain about these things.
"Have you noticed how his condition has changed in recent years? Perhaps there was something disturbing in his behavior? Or maybe he was aware that he was being watched?"
"I can't say that his condition was somehow different from the condition of Belarusians in emigration. It was an emotional swing. As soon as Vasya returned from Ukraine, his anxiety increased.
He dreamed of his murdered comrades: "Brest", "Terror", other friends. But in general he thought clearly, slept well.
"What about security: did he really not feel that something could happen?"
"He didn't think the regime was interested in him. Frankly, I think he really underestimated it".
"They say that the reason for his arrest was provocation. Did you notice such behavior in him - that he could be really explosive?"
"Yes, Vasya has such a trait, he's choleric. He could react to something. But for Vasya to fight with someone? I don't know what should have happened. It's not in his nature, even though he's a military man.
He could stand up for someone. But we've been together for 17 years and I've never noticed him going to fight with anyone. I think it was a provocation".
"Is there anything else you want to add?"
"I would just like to ask journalists - don't try to find something in Vasil's personal life. This is a purely political situation.
I can say that Vasya is a very, very honest Belarusian who is ready to sacrifice his life for Belarus.
There's no need to try to get some dirt, because it won't work for Vasya's benefit. The only responsibility for all this lies with Lukashenka's regime and the Lithuanian "migration" service.
I hope they will start treating Belarusians differently".
If you want to support the Verameichyk family, you can do it here.
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