Mihail Myasnikovich

The wages' growth is planned since September 1, PM Mikhail Myasnikovich said on Tuesday.

Belarus Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich is set to meet Turkmenistan' leadership including President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow.

The Belarusian government is preparing ‘bold’ decisions in monetary and credit policy.

The festive ceremony has been held in Minsk today.

The prime ministers will discuss the draft Agreement of the Eurasian Economic Union that should be ready by early May.

They will discuss the preparation for the Eurasian Economic Union agreement.

All 15 countries have confirmed their participation (Belarus is the 16th), PM Mikhail Myasnikovich said on April 8.

Belarus and Russian prime ministers on Tuesday talked on the phone to discuss the future oil supplies.

Economist Leanid Zaika says government's decision to allow state enterprises to sell stock at prices lower than prime cost is 'a farewell resolution'.