Nursultan Nazarbayev

According to official figures, 225 people died in protests in Kazakhstan alone / Ruslan Pryanikov / AFP / East News
According to official figures, 225 people died in protests in Kazakhstan alone / Ruslan Pryanikov / AFP / East News
Let's examine what is happening in Kazakhstan after the protests
Government House in Minsk / Euroradio
Government House in Minsk / Euroradio
Kazakhstan has shown that the transit of power does not work. However, Lukashenka in power to death is a deception of expectations
Nursultan Nazarbayev, Vladimir Putin and Aliaksandr Lukashenka / From archive
Nursultan Nazarbayev, Vladimir Putin and Aliaksandr Lukashenka / From archive
They discussed the situation in Kazakhstan.
The former president of Kazakhstan was in power for almost 29 years.

According to official sources, the incumbent President has got 97.7% of the vote.

The Belarusian leader went to Kazakhstan on a two-day working visit.

On March 20, leaders of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan met in Astana.

The Belarusian leader arrived in Kazakhstan yesterday.

The leaders of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia are to meet in Astana today to discuss relations within the Eurasian economic grouping.