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Belarusian woman shot a photo for Vogue website / Collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio

Belarusian woman shot a photo for Vogue website / Collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio / калаж Улада Рубанава, Еўрарадыё

We will show you other pictures of Daria not yet accepted by Vogue.
Tanya Tkachova /
Tanya Tkachova /
Her works are presented in the Portraits category.
Ǔ Gallery in Minsk acquires Siarhei Hudzilin's famous photo "No Words (censored)" for the undisclosed amount.
The intellectual property judicial board of the Belarusian Supreme Court is considering the photographer’s case.
The exhibition of World Press Photo, the most prestigious photo journalism awards will be open from May 4 through May 24 in Minsk.

This is an exhibition of laureates of the world photo journalism contest.