Belarus Election 2015

He suggested that voters write on the ballot about their rejection of "ruling regime policy".

“If observers are not allowed to see the process of counting, it is not a good system,” he said.

This is to take place early next week.

Karatkevich’s picketers collect 50 signatures in 3 hours near supermarket Centralny

The supermarket administration has asked Lyabedzka’s adherents to leave at first. Then they were asked to move ten meters away.

Nothing has changed and the election ‘is going to be rigged’, coordinator of the observation campaign Dzyanis Sadouski thinks.

Anatol Lyabedzka, Syarhei Kalyakin and Tatstsyana Karatkevich share their experience in signatures collecting.

Presidential contenders need signatures to become candidates. 8 initiative groups have been registered.

Kastus Smolikau does not know why it has happened.