Belarus Election 2015

The CEC spokesperson has refused to reveal the election results received at closed polling stations.
The presidential candidate has gone skating together with her son and Tell the Truth teammates.
However, the results cannot be announced before 8 p.m., CEC spokesperson Mikalai Lazavik said.
Minsk is very much behind the provinces turnout-wise.
Almost half of the voters registered at polling station #41 in Lyuban, Brest region voted at home due to old age.
Dainties are sold at underestimated prices at the polling station where Lukashenka voted in the morning.
Belarusian Helsinki Committee chairperson Aleh Hulak tells Euroradio how this year's election will affect Belarus-EU relations.
The candidate has commented on the remark about ‘a person in a skirt’ in the presidential position.
The presidential candidate has voted at a polling station with no snack bar or pop group.