Protests in Ukraine

The opposition parliamentary fractions came up with the initiative of pre-term government dismissal.

The soldier died after sustaining injuries near the Presidential Administration building on December 1.

Thousands of people remain outside the parliament building on Tuesday morning, while hundreds riot policemen are holding them back.

For four days. The Ukrainian President decided not to cancel his official visit to China due to the recent events in Ukraine.

The leader of UDAR tried to calm instigators who were going to assault the President’s Administration.

More than 10 hearings have been held in Shevchenko Court in Kiev, Batkivshchyna press service reports.

Kiev police are investigating 11 criminal cases started after Dec. 1 events in the Ukrainian capital.

The opposition is preparing special groups that will be able to resist provokers, the ex-Minister of Internal Affairs said.

It is still not clear whether the PM has managed to get to work in the Cabinet today.