Protests in Ukraine

The parents decide to refuse from the sanatorium-and-spa treatment for their children due to the unrest in Ukraine.

Victor Pshonka resorted to fighting the border officials when he tried to check in for a Moscow-bound flight.

Tourists with tents were considered as potential protesters and not allowed to enter Ukraine.

The documents found by divers near Victor Yanukovcih’s residence in the Kiev Sea in Mizhgorye have been published today.

Ukraine's interior minister Arsen Avakov says he has disbanded the elite Berkut police unit blamed for the the deaths of protesters.

The ex-President is going to be charged with this crime.

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski says Yanukovich's assets can be used to finance economic reforms in Ukraine.

Deputy chairman of Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Koshulinski says the case papers against Victor Yanukovich are in court

The incident occurred in the village of Gostomel, Kiev Oblast.