Special services in Belarus

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State Security Committee aka KGB / Euroradio
State Security Committee aka KGB / Euroradio
Six more Belarusians were added to the list of terrorists comiled by KGB.
Pavel Sharoiko / TV footage 
Pavel Sharoiko / TV footage 
Ukrainian journalist Pavel Sharoiko charged in Belarus with espionage was transferred to a colony before the New Year eve.
Photo: pixabay.com
Photo: pixabay.com
The President Hotel in Minsk is hosting a two-day international conference on information security organized by KGB.
Photo: tut.by
Photo: tut.by
KGB has not officially confirmed the detention of the businessman.
Photo: pixabay.com
Photo: pixabay.com
Belarus has declared two foreigners accused of being spies as persona non grata, the head of the state security service says.
Two Belarus KGB generals are dismissed due to age and retain the right to wear their uniform and decoration.
Naviband. File photo Euroradio
Naviband. File photo Euroradio
The concert to mark 100 years of KGB took place on 15 December.
Zmicier Kramianetski. Image by svaboda.org
Zmicier Kramianetski. Image by svaboda.org
The KGB and the Investigating Committee keep shacking 'Kramianetski’s case' off.
Alexander Lukashenka's eldest son Viktar, the president's national security aide (second in the right) was present at the time of the appointment. Photo: BELTA​
Alexander Lukashenka's eldest son Viktar, the president's national security aide (second in the right) was present at the time of the appointment. Photo: BELTA​
Andrei Paulyuchenka becomes the chief of Operative Analytical Center. He headed President's Security Service since December 2016.